
Flexiglass ute canopy
Flexiglass ute canopy

I can literally see the cars following me through the gaps in my rear-view mirror, I can't wash the car without everything inside the tub getting wet and the amount of dust that gets in through those rodent sized gaps is ludicrous. Read more s later the rear tailgate hatch still fits so poorly that rodents can easily get in through the massive gap between the Ute tailgate and canopy tailgate, it seems the rubbers are merely for decoration as they don't even come close to meeting to do anything important like perhaps letting water, dust or a small dog in.

flexiglass ute canopy

On delivery I noticed a poorly fitting rear tailgate hatch, but was assured by the dealer the rubbers just needed to settle in.

flexiglass ute canopy

The Flexiglass Flexisport canopy has been nothing but trouble from day one. Instead, this is the heap of junk I ended up with.


I asked my Ford dealer for a canopy with central locking to all windows (something like the ARB Ascent was my exact words) when I purchased my new Ford Ranger Wildtrak earlier this year thinking it would probably be like the Ford branded one on display in the dealership at the time. Once the invoice problem was rectified, I asked the guy if he could please send the keys asap as we can't lock our work Ute which has all the tools in it, only to be told that the keys have now been LOST!!! Read more the phone said that it happens all the time as it's a generic reference number!!! He's exact words were "It's not the first time it's happened and it won't be the last" What the?. I sent the receipt and upon further investigation we were told the reason they could not see the paid invoice was because we had entered an incorrect reference number - Mind you, it was the reference number that was on the quote. I called and was told that they were not sent as we had not paid our invoice.

flexiglass ute canopy

We ordered keys for our new company vehicle and paid for them to be express posted, we were advised that they would be sent in 2 days. This has been the worst service I have EVER had.

Flexiglass ute canopy